Crawdad Text Analysis Software

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Scholars have been increasingly concerned with portrayals of terrorism in mainstream and alternative media outlets following the September 11 and subsequent terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom and Spain. Communication researchers have examined public response and reaction to terrorist attacks, definitions of terrorism, policy questions, media portrayals of terrorism, and framing across different media and nations. This study undertakes a comparative framing analysis of media coverage of terrorism, as reported by prominent U.S. and U.K. newspapers, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings revealed that the U.S. papers engaged in more episodic coverage and the U.K. papers in more thematic coverage of terrorism and terrorism-related events. The U.S. papers were consumed with presenting news associated with the military approach, whereas the U.K. papers were oriented toward diplomatic evaluations of terrorist events.

ManyEyes – interactive text visualizations (network diagram, word tree, phrase net, tag cloud, word cloud) Overview – Automatic topic tagging and visualization Monk Workbench – Corpus selection from library holdings, frequencies and corpora comparisons, supervised classification.

Keywords terrorism, news, framing, U.S. newspapers, U.K. newspapers
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  • Datumbox, a free API and many functions for Sentiment Analysis, Language Detection, Topic Classification and easily building intelligent apps.
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  •, a free online grammar check, for English.
  • IKANOW Infinit.e open source Community Edition, a scalable framework for collecting, storing, processing, retrieving, analyzing, and visualizing unstructured documents and structured records.
  • INTEXT, MS-DOS version of TextQuest, in public domain since Jan 2, 2003.
  • LingPipe is a suite of Java libraries for the linguistic analysis of human language.
  • Microsoft Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit DMTK, open source, includes framework that supports data parallelization, LightLDA, topic model algorithm, and Distributed (Multisense) Word Embedding algorithm.
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  • The Semantic Indexing Project, offering open source tools, including Semantic Engine - a standalone indexer/search application.
  • TXM - Unicode, XML, TEI text/corpus analysis platform, including graphical client, based on the CQP search engine and R environment.


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